Creation of Sooro Renner, with the merger of RELAT and SOORO, with industrial plants in Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR and Estação/RS.
Tintas e Revestimentos
Creation of Sooro Renner, with the merger of RELAT and SOORO, with industrial plants in Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR and Estação/RS.
Opening of the Renner USA factory in Charlotte, North Carolina/USA.
Purchase of Pinturas Cerrillos, in Santiago, Chile.
Inauguration of the Relat factory, which transforms liquid serum into powder, in Estação, Rio Grande do Sul. Purchase of Pinturas Creizet, in Santiago, Chile. Start of the partnership between Renner
The decorative paints division is sold to the American company PPG. The Renner brand remains the property of Renner Herrmann, licensed to the buyer for a specified period. Opening of
Renner Sayerlack Chile S.A. is founded in Santiago.
Renner Italia S.p.A. is founded in Minerbio.
Operation in the metal packaging coatings segment throughout South America, with the creation of VALSPAR RENNER.
Formalization of the joint-venture with DuPont, creating Renner DuPont Automotive and Industrial Paints S.A.
Implementation of a technology agreement with the Japanese company Kansai Paint Marine Coatings Co. Ltd., focused on the production of marine paints.