Renner Koepke & Cia Ltda. was founded on June 18th in the Navegantes district – Porto Alegre/RS. Start of manufacturing of paints, enamels, and varnishes.
Renner Coatings, a division of the Renner Herrmann S.A. group, focused on high-performance solutions and technology in industrial coatings.
We produce a range of varied products that serve the most diverse industrial and maritime segments, operating in both national and international markets. Additionally, we have a complete research and development laboratory. This way, we add agility in generating new technologies for the market.
Renner Koepke & Cia Ltda. was founded on June 18th in the Navegantes district – Porto Alegre/RS. Start of manufacturing of paints, enamels, and varnishes.
The company becomes a corporation and changes its name to Renner Herrmann S.A. Paints and Oils Industry.
Transfer of the manufacturing unit to Av. Assis Brasil, 3966, in Porto Alegre/RS (pictured).
Creation of the mythical white horse logo.
Opening of the branch in Rio de Janeiro for the distribution of maritime and industrial maintenance paints.
Foundation of Flosul Industria e Comércio de Maderas Ltda., to operate in the reforestation sector, in Capivari do Sul/RS.
Partnership with Sayerlack Brazilian Varnish Industry S.A., located in Cajamar/SP.
Acquisition of Tintura Industria e Comércio de Tintas S.A. in Curitiba/PR, focused on the manufacturing of paints and resins. Acquisition of Sinpla Sintéticos del Plata S.A., in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Constitution of Tintas Renner S.A. in Porto Alegre/RS, which began to control the group of companies that make up Renner Herrmann S.A. Integration of Oxford Paints and Varnishes S.A., in São Bernardo do Campo/SP (pictured), into the Renner Paints group.
Tintas Renner S.A. incorporates Polidura S.A. Paints and Varnishes, in Guarulhos/SP.
Acquisition of a controlling stake in Blundell S.A., based in Santiago, Chile, which was later renamed Pinturas Renner Chile S.A.
Implementation of a technology agreement with the Japanese company Kansai Paint Marine Coatings Co. Ltd., focused on the production of marine paints.
Formalization of the joint-venture with DuPont, creating Renner DuPont Automotive and Industrial Paints S.A.
Operation in the metal packaging coatings segment throughout South America, with the creation of VALSPAR RENNER.
Renner Italia S.p.A. is founded in Minerbio.
Renner Sayerlack Chile S.A. is founded in Santiago.
The decorative paints division is sold to the American company PPG. The Renner brand remains the property of Renner Herrmann, licensed to the buyer for a specified period. Opening of Renner S.p.A.’s second industrial plant in Italy, also in Minerbio.
Inauguration of the Relat factory, which transforms liquid serum into powder, in Estação, Rio Grande do Sul. Purchase of Pinturas Creizet, in Santiago, Chile. Start of the partnership between Renner Coatings and the Japanese company CMP Chugoku Marine Paints in the maritime segment.
Opening of the Renner USA factory in Charlotte, North Carolina/USA.
Creation of Sooro Renner, with the merger of RELAT and SOORO, with industrial plants in Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR and Estação/RS.
Inauguration of the new Renner Coatings factory in Chile.
Start of operations at Renner Coatings’ new industrial plant located in Lima, Peru.
Start of operations at Renner Coatings in the powder coating segment in Alumínio, São Paulo.